photo Teppjyp_zps05c1a1c5.png Much Christmas...So Merry...What Wow...

Friday, September 20, 2013

what..what is my inspiration? lets find out.

Honestly, it took me a while to figure out what really inspired me, even though it's really obvious to myself. Its just when i was asked the question, and told to write about it, my mind went blank and i wasnt sure. But after a helpful break on tumblr it all came flooding back to me in one swift motion.
Pictures are like blank canvases for writers. You can take the picture anywhere and you can transform that place into anything you can imagine, the scene is all yours. Pictures can also be just as much inspiration for writing as it can be for drawing. Sometimes i get a feeling where i really want to draw but i dont know what to draw, and other times i have an idea but i need some images to smooth out the lines and help the drawing turn out more completely. of course if you draw from a picture, meaning copy the persons work, you should credit the original idea to the main artist.
music is another one of those things that can lead your mind in any direction. Its a little cliche, and of course everyone is a little inspired by music, but when it comes to being creative, music is of up most importance. sometimes when you wanna write about sadness but aren't feeling particularly sad Boom! theres a song for that. When you want to write about something action-ie happening, and completely dangerous but arent feeling like that much of a daring wild cat Boom! Theres a song for that! or maybe your getting saucy and feeling like you want your characters to go out on in a night on the town, or to a club to dance the night away Boom! There are MANY songs for that out there. Anyhow, same goes with drawing, music can take you down many roads and fill your head with a multitude of ideas.
3.Daily life
well of course, id write about things i can relate to, and things that i know others can relate to. Now when i say relate to, i mean emotionally, cause most people cant relate to having their closest friend dying in a hideous attempt to keep them safe, or a lover being sacrificed to a wild beast in an attempt to keep the other out of harm, but people can empathize with those feelings and imagine what it would be like to go through that. Drawing is kinda harder to put into this category. Drawing in itself isnt really something someone has to relate too, however your daily life can play part in what ideas inspire you.

and lastly
 ok ok, so maybe cats dont REALLY inspire me to write or draw but i mean COME ON! these adorable and MAJESTIC creatures always put me in such a good mood! they make me happy and they make me giggle! in a way they inspire me by just...making me laugh and putting me in the mode to do things.


Reading Response 3: Heros of Olympus: The Son of Neptune

The Son of Neptune opens with Percy Jackson being chased by two gorgons (sisters of Medusa), Stheno and Euryale, who hate him for killing their sister Medusa. They reveal that they're working for Gaea. While making his escape, he runs into an old woman named June. The old woman reveals herself to be Juno (Hera) and gives him a choice: provide her with a favor or live safely under the sea and everybody and everything destroyed. As a favor, Percy carries her across the Little Tiber, which is a powerful river. In doing so, he loses his invincibility (Achilles Curse) from the River Styx. When he reaches his destination he meets Hazel Levesque, a daughter of Pluto (Hades), and Frank Zhang, a son of Mars (Ares, Greek god of war). Percy saves Frank from the Gorgons by drowning them. Percy is then taken into the camp after Juno introduces him to Camp Jupiter (training camp for Roman demigods). Reyna seems to recognize him, but refuses to acknowledge him. She sends Percy and Hazel to Octavian, the camp augur, to see whether or not he's fit to join the legion. Along the way, Lares, the camp's ancestral spirits, call him Greggus, or Greek, which makes Hazel act worried. When they reach Jupiter's temple, Octavian is cutting teddy bears open and reading the stuffing. Octavian threatens Hazel by telling her that if she doesn't vote for him, he'll reveal her secret. He declares good omens, and Hazel and Percy go to the temples, where they meet Nico di Angelo (brother of Bianca di Angelo), a main character from the Percy Jackson series. He acts suspiciously and claims not to know Percy, even when he recognises him. Meanwhile, Frank is organizing weaponry when a Lare appears and tells him he knows about his stick and his birthday. Frank then runs off to find Hazel and Percy. He takes Percy to the baths while Hazel and Nico talk. Hazel reveals that she's from the 40's and has a blackout. She realizes that she's late for the war games, so she and Nico rush to line up.
During war games, a Camp Jupiter activity, Percy impresses everyone with his battle skills and instincts, even though they are not Roman tactics and are more Greek-style. After the games, Octavian hurts Gwen, a centurion of the Fifth Cohort, and she gets severely injured and dies, only to come back to life a few moments later. Mars, the god of war, then appears and informs the campers that "Death has been chained." (Thanatos). He also claims Frank Zhang as his son and gifts him a spear with a dragon' tooth. Mars insists that Percy and Frank must go on a quest to free Thanatos, the god of Death. He has been captured in Alaska and is no longer able to keep mortals dead. Frank requests that Hazel also come on the quest, and they set off towards Alaska. While traveling on their quest, Percy struggles to regain his memory. Time and time again, he recalls things but never where from. The only clear memory to him is a girl named Annabeth (his girlfriend). Hazel reveals that she had died long ago, but that Nico di Angelo, son of Hades and her half-brother, saved her from the Underworld. Frank informs the other two that he was given a piece of wood that is tied to his life; if the wood burns up completely, he will die. Percy regains most of his memory after he gambles with gorgons blood and Gaea lets him win saying she still needs him as a pawn to free herself. After many events and monsters, such as basilisks, giants, and an unexpected meeting with the Amazons (an all woman tribe), they finally get to Alaska, where they find Thanatos in chains. His chains can only be broken by the fire of life i.e. the piece of wood tied to Frank's life. Percy defends Frank while he melts Thanatos chains with his burning stick, losing more and more of his life. Hazel attacks Alcyoneus, the giant born to oppose Pluto. Thanatos is eventually freed and with the help of Hazel's horse, Arion, they drag the giant out of its land (Alaska) to Canada where it is able to be killed (Alcynoneus couldn't be killed in his birthland).
Percy regains his memory as they race back to Camp Jupiter. Knowing that the camp is under attack, Percy takes charge and leads the Romans into battle with the help of some of his old friends from Camp Half-Blood and the Amazons. The morale of the Romans is recharged after discovering that Percy recovered the camp's lost standard, which had been missing for years. Percy then challenges the giant, Polybotes the giant born to oppose Neptune, to a duel and calls to Terminus, the Roman border god, to help him defeat the giant. He has been told that only when gods and demigods work together can the giants be defeated. Percy eventually defeats Polybotes by using the head of Terminus' statue as a weapon. The camp then name him a praetor, a leader of the Roman camp. The Greek demigods from Camp Half-Blood appear in the flying ship Argo II sailing towards the camp. The Romans argue over attacking the ship. As praetor, Percy orders them to hold their fire. If the Greeks attacked, he would be to blame, but he is not worried. With Frank and Hazel, he approaches his "other family".

This book continues on the prophecy from the previous book which states:

“Seven half-bloods shall answer the call
To storm or fire, the world must fall
An oath to keep with a final breath,
And foes bear arms to the Doors of Death”
slowly through a turn out of events, the seven mentioned in the prophecy is revealed. My opinion of this book is of course...High. Cause i LOVE the percy jackson series! DUH! if i didnt would i read all 5 books plus continue on to the spin of series? I THINK NOT! sooo like READ THEM! THERE AMAZING AND YEAH!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Reading response 2: Heros of Olympus:The Lost Hero

Summary: Jason  is unaware of who he is, why he is here, or anything about his past. He wakes up on a Bus filled with peers, headed to the grand canyon,  sitting next to a girl, Piper McLean, who is supposedly his girl friend, and Leo Valdez, who is supposedly his Beat friend; Of course Jason has no memory of either of them. Once they arrive at their destination, one of Jasons class mates turns into a storm spirit and begins attacking them and their trip leader, Coach Hodge, who in an act of defense, reveals to them that he is a stayr, sent to protect them, and presumes to ward of the spirit. Jason joins in, flipping a mysterious coin that he found in his pocket up in the air watching it turn into a sword, and begins defeating the oncoming storm spirits, who later end up fleeting and taking Coach Hodge with them.

After the battle, a flying chariot arrives to rescue the trio, but one of the people in it, Annabeth, is upset when she discovers that her missing boyfriend, Percy Jackson, is not there as she expected. Annabeth, seeking Percy, was told in a vision from the goddess Hera to look there for the "guy with one shoe", but this turns out to be Jason, who had a shoe destroyed during the fight. Jason, Piper and Leo are escorted to Camp Half Blood where they learn they are demigods. Shortly after, the three are told of a prophecy entitling:

"Seven Half-bloods shall answer the call.
To storm or fire the world must fall.
An oath to keep with a final breath,
And foes, bear arms to the Doors of Death."
and once a prophecy has been given, a quest is soon to follow. So, the three set out on a journey to fulfill their prophecy, find out who they are, and the other members foretold in the script.

The Heros of Olympus series is the sequel to the Percy Jackson series. Its written a bit differently (third person instead of percys perspective since hes missing and nowhere to be found), but none the less still a quality Rick Riordan classic! Following completely new heros, and trying to dive into a different writing style was hard in the begining, but the series is simply amazing! Its fantastically written, and it brings back most of the classic and most beloved characters from the Percy Jackson series, (except the ones that died of course...) ANYWAYS...I loved/Love the book and this series! I'm currently still trying to finish it and cannot WAIT for the 4th book (which is coming out October 8th GWAAAAA) to be MINE!
again i REEEEEEAALLY recommend you read this one as well as the Percy Jackson series! They are so amazing and the whole idea and plot genera are simply genius! REEAAAD THEEEM! Unless of course you are an uncultured swine who hates books in which you will deeply fall in love with the characters, get emotionally and agonizingly attached to the plot, and hate complete and utter creativity and Genius all wrapped into a book series, then yeah, dont bother reading it.

but if you love all those things READ

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Reading Response I: Percy Jackson and The Lightning Thief

Summary: Percy Jackson is a 12 year old Dyslexic and ADHD inflicted student who is constantly forced to leave schools due to numerous expulsions. When his class takes a field trip to the Metropolitan Museum of Art, his pre- algebra teacher Ms. Dodds Turns out to be a Fury, and attacks him.  Percy's Latin teacher Mr. Brunner throws Percy a magic sword named Anaklusmos or the English translation, Riptide, and sends Mrs. Dodds to Tartarus.

When Percy and his mother Sally go to Montauk, his Best friend Grover Underwood comes to tell them to leave immediately. They drive away in a horrible storm, and a Minotaur takes Sally in a blinding flash of light. In anger, Percy kills the Minotaur and takes one of its horns. He wakes up three days later, healed by nectar and ambrosia, at Camp Half-Blood, a place where Demigods and various magical beings can live in safety. Grover reveals himself to be a satyr, and Mr. Brunner reveals himself to be Chiron the centaur. It takes a few days for Percy to figure out what God is his father, However after several water-related incidents, a glowing blue trident appears over Percy’s head, reveling he is the son of Poseidon.

After meeting a few camp members, hearing word that Zeus master bolt has been stolen, and realizing that Zeus blames the son of Poseidon, Percy receives a Prophecy from the oracle telling him of his future:

"You shall go west to face the god who has turned,
You shall find what was stolen and see it safely returned,
You shall be betrayed by the one you call friend,
And fail to save what matters most in the end."

Once a prophecy has been given a quest is close to come. Percy, Grover, and his new friend Annabeth Chase, set out to retrieve Zeus’ master bolt, Clear Percy’s name and ultimately follow the prophecy that could lead to Camp half bloods, and Percy Jacksons fate into Ruin.

I personally really adored, not liked, adored, this book and the entire series in general, currently these books are like gold to my soul. I highly recommend these books, HIIIGHLYY! I love the characters (especially percy >;0) and the whole concept together. Not only did I learn so much about Greek history and mythology, I learned a lot about writing from a characters point of view. Which has always been my favorite style of writing, when I write stories :D.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

I Am

I Am…
I Am Saturday morning cartoons and a cozy apartment for 2
I am summer days spent out in the open air and cool evenings spent next to a comforting chest
I Am piles of Stuffed animals, each given names, and placed thoroughly so my nighttime sleeping is never lonely.

I Am a child of 1 given full attention but never spoiled
I Am worship songs and joyful jungles
I am seasonal trees and glittering ornaments which linger in my yearning memory

Wishing…always wishing
Aching to go back to the “good old days”
When things were simple and life was free.
Yet, I stay here where I know I belong
Where I feel most at home
The present
Here and now
I stay

I am cuddled and hugged
And I’m lucky that I am loved
Life has taught me that

I Am late night reading
And later night video games
I Am cozy with the keyboard and loving to the mouse.
I Am level headed
Firm in my morals
and stern in my beliefs.
I am a follower
A friend
And a messenger
I Am happy to be here
Lucky to be alive
And thankful that I have always been cherished
And never forgotten.